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Warden from For Honor is a Samurai Shodown DLC character


Here's a crossover we weren't expecting: Samurai Shodown x For Honor.

The Warden from Ubisoft's melee-focused game For Honor today launches in Japanese fighting game Samurai Shodown as a DLC character.

If For Honor has a Ryu character it's Warden, who in the game is a sort of jack-of-all-trades fighter, powerful, balanced and decent in attack as well as in defense.

The video below shows Warden in Samurai Shodown. For Honor players will recognise Warden's shoulder bash and heavy-duty slashes with the longsword. I can't see any annoying emotes, though.

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A For Honor character is an odd choice for Samurai Shodown, but if we're going to go with For Honor, Warden is an odd choice when you consider Ubisoft's game has actual samurai characters in it. But I kind of love how weird this is - and I'm definitely up for Warden's Summon Catapult.

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