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First Gothic 4 details pop up

Control the day and night cycle.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Developer Spellbound has delivered the first details for Gothic 4.

It will be subtitled Ancaria and take place 10 years after events in the third game. The action takes place on an archipelago where each island has its own climate, look and feel.

According to German PC Games Magazine (read by Tiscali Games), the headline attractions will be the opportunity to control a new day and night cycle with magic, plus the ability to ride all sorts of beasts plodding around the land.

Gothic 4 will also go to town on all the latest graphical flourishes, with sunlight and shaders said to be paid particular attention to, plus facelifts for returning characters and monsters.

Ancaria is the first game in the role-playing series not to be developed by Piranha Bytes. As such, Spellbound will be looking closely at forums to get fan feedback on its debut Gothic adventure.

It's also the first time the series will appear on consoles (360, PS3) as well as PC, although Spellbound has no release date to offer at the moment: "done when it's done".

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