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EA reassures fans it's still working on new Skate as promised "a little something" drops

Here's your 75-seconds of gameplay-free teaser.

As promised, EA has shared "a little something" related to its its highly anticipated Skate revival after announcing there'd be no news on the latest instalment of its long-dormant skateboarding series during this Thursday's EA Play Live. Skate fans probably shouldn't get too excited though; beyond confirmation that the game is still in the works, there's little to see here.

Announced last June, EA's Skate revival - the fourth game in the series and the first instalment since 2010's Skate 3 - is being worked on by recently formed studio Full Circle, which counts original Skate creators Deran Chung and Cuz Parry among its number.

We're Working On It - Skate Trailer.Watch on YouTube

Given that Full Circle only formally came into existence at the start of this year, work on the new Skate game is unsurprisingly still in its early stages, and Chung said as much in EA's new teaser video. "The truth is it's still early," he explained. "We're still working on it".

It's no surprise then that gameplay is nowhere to be found in the video, but we do get a selection of gawps and gasps from various devs, skateboarding stars, and YouTubers who we're told have seen some in-game footage. For everyone else, though, EA fills in the blanks with glimpses of behind-the-scenes motion capture sessions and the odd wireframe.

There is, then, little for Skate fans to properly get excited about - beyond the reassurance that a part 4 is still in development - and the long, long wait continues for more substantial news.

Battlefield 2042 Official Gameplay Trailer.Watch on YouTube

Alongside Skate's EA Play Live no-show, EA has confirmed there'll be no appearances from Dragon Age and Mass Effect, or any of its future Star Wars titles, during the 40-minute livestream this Thursday, 22nd July, at 6pm. It's probably safe to expect something on Apex Legends and Battlefield 2042 though, and Eurogamer will be reporting the event live.

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