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EA: "Activision's refusal to pay their talent and attempt to blame EA were absurd"

Rival publisher calls settlement "a vindication of Vince and Jason".

EA has weighed in on the Activision vs. Zampella and West trial following the out of court settlement announced earlier today.

The rival publisher handed the following statement to Eurogamer:

"Activision's refusal to pay their talent and attempt to blame EA were absurd. This settlement is a vindication of Vince and Jason, and the right of creative artists to collect the rewards due for their hard work."

Activision had originally sued EA for $400 million, claiming it had unlawfully poached Zampella and West while the pair were still under contract.

That suit was also settled out of court earlier this month. The terms of the agreement were not revealed, though industry commentators have speculated that it went in EA's favour.

Zampella and West's new studio, Respawn Entertainment, signed a publishing deal with EA soon after their dismissal from Activision in March 2010.

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