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Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey Kickstarter ends in resounding success

So what's been paid for?

The decision for Ragnar Tornquist and Red Thread Games to use Kickstarter to fund a new Longest Journey adventure game was a good one - it's ended in emphatic success.

The funding target was $850,000, the final tally was nearly double that: $1,538,425.

So what has that bought?

A 3D adventure game for PC, Mac and Linux that will be released in November 2014. Tornquist and team don't have the budget they did when making The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, but they have experience and the Unity engine to make up for that.

Red Thread has already shared accomplished-looking gameplay footage of the game.

Watch on YouTube

There will be English, French and German subtitles and voice overs at launch. Other platforms (tablets, primarily, but also maybe Ouya) and other languages are all part of the 'we'll have a look after we've finished the core game' plan.

Nearly doubling its total means Red Thread is able to beef up the story with more locations and characters. The story mainly follows Zoe Castillo again, but a second playable character - Kian Alvane - has also been added. There's more (spoilery) depth on the story on the Kickstarter page.

There will be a House of Worlds to explore as well as an interactive graphic novel made that will back-fill players on events from the first two Longest Journey games.

Another achieved stretch goal promised to improve the soundtrack.

Dreamfall Chapters is now on Steam Greenlight, too.

The Dreamfall Chapters Kickstarter drive stopped short of the $2 million stretch goal, however, which would have guaranteed creation of a new game, The Longest Journey Home - a conclusion to April Ryan's story.

It was planned as a 2D point-and-click rather than a 3D adventure game like Dreamfall Chapters. The Longest Journey Home was to have hand-painted backgrounds and a story written by Ragnar Tornquist.

That Red Thred Games didn't raise enough to meet that stretch goal doesn't necessarily mean it won't ever be made. "But even if we don't reach that lofty goal this time around, we hope to some day still be able to tell this story," read an update on the game's Kickstarter page. "April's story, all of it. All that remains of it.

"Because it needs to be told. And you all deserve to hear it. And we would love to share it with you."

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