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DICE wants Battlefield 4 players to help build a new map

Plus, Winter Patch takes aim at netcode and soldier collision.

DICE has called on Battlefield 4 players to help it build a new map for the game.

This map will be tested and tweaked in the Community Test Environment (CTE) by Battlefield 4 Premium members, creative director Thomas Andersson wrote in a post on Battlelog.

It will then be released as a free download to all players on all platforms, "as a thank you to the Battlefield community for sticking to your Battlefield 4 guns and giving excellent feedback to improve the game", Andersson said. Expect it at some point in 2015. Any ideas?

Meanwhile, in March DICE will release the Winter Patch for Battlefield 4. This is designed to improve netcode and soldier collision, as well as tweak Squad Obliteration so it becomes the lead competitive mode in the game.

"Our ambition with Squad Obliteration is to create something fast and challenging for the players and an entertaining experience for those who watch the matches," Andersson said.

DICE has stressed it plans to continue to support Battlefield 4, which launched November 2013, throughout 2015 even as EA launches spin-off Battlefield Hardline next month.

Battlefield 4 suffered a terrible launch, with a number of high-profile technical issues preventing many from playing. It has released a number of updates ever since in a bid to improve matters.

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