Destiny 2 Means to an End quest: How to find Savathun's Supplicant and complete the Interference: Clear the Air mission
How to complete the weekly Season of Arrivals quest.
Destiny 2's Means to the End is a weekly quest running throughout summer 2020's Season of Arrivals.
The quest comes in three stages, and concludes with the Interference mission, rewarding players with a Pinnacle Gear engram, and a requirement for several seasonal Triumphs.
Not only that, but it teases more about the Darkness, the mysterious adversary which should feature more in the Beyond Light expansion.
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How to start and complete Means to an End in Destiny 2
Means to an End is a weekly quest within Season of Arrivals. Running through it is a requirement to start the Interference mission.
To start Means to an End, head to the Tower, and go to the Prismatic Recaster, which is next to the Drifter, which will give you the quest.

(Note - you have to do this each time after the weekly reset. If you don't finish the quest in a given week, it will reset, so you have to come back here to start from the beginning. The good news is each step isn't too long - it should take you an hour from beginning to end.)
The first stage of Means to an End is always the same - run the Contact event in the destinations mentioned in the quest description (usually Io or Titan, but check to be safe).
This is the Gambit-like public event which sees you bank motes while fighting off waves. You don't need to finish it, as each attempt will further the questline requirement based on your progress. In our experience, two full Contact events will complete this step, taking around 15-20 minutes in total.

The second stage requires you to collect resources (named Umbral Traces) from killing enemies within certain highlighted activities. This pool changes each week, and previous examples include:
- Nightfall: The Ordeal, Nightmare Hunts, Crucible Control
- Heroic adventures, Menagerie, Crucible Survival, Crucible Elimination, Trials of Osiris
Select any of these mentioned in the quest description - you can mix and match - until you have collected enough. The length of time of this step varies, and it's worth paying attention to the 'additional progress' modifiers (such as getting streaks, or winning Crucible rounds) to speed through it.
Though ultimately, as most things with Destiny, it's simply best to play the activities you find most interesting.
When that's done, the Interference quest will unlock.
The Season of the Deep is here alongside the Into the Depths quest. You can know go fishing too! Don't forget to keep an eye on the Lost Sector and King's Fall challenge rotation schedule!
The Interference quest in Destiny 2 explained, including Savathun's Supplicant and the Clear the Air mission
The Interference quest can be found on Io, in the upper left corner, and can be started once you have completed the above Means to and End quest.

This Interference mission has three different versions as part of a 'loop' - the Ritual encounter, the Relic encounter, and the Crystal encounter - which cycle round each week. Each have different objectives, and comfortably any of these missions solo, so don't worry about having a fireteam with you.

However, on October 6th, 2020 (the same as when Festival of the Lost 2020 debuted) Interference: Clear the Air was released. This finally revealed Savathun's Supplicant, teased in a Triumph all season, and is the cumulation of the Season of Arrivals storyline.
Clear the Air is the set mission for all players for that week, whether you have completed Means to an End in previous weeks, or completed the three missions in the Interference loop.
It's unknown whether Interference will return to the original 'loop' of the three variants, or if it will stay on Clear the Air as time goes on. As of the second week, it has remained on the Clear the Air version of the mission. Though it's now likely that will be the case for the rest of the season, it's still possible the cycle will return to allow people to complete all three mission types for the Forerunner seal before Beyond Light arrives on November 10th, though there has been no confirmation either way.

One final point - after the boss battle and cutscene, you will visit Eris for a final piece of story. After the mission ends, you can continue to speak with her again over and over, giving you new lore each time.

Thanks to the mission 'ending' timer being extended, you can continue doing this to get an entire lore book - even if you haven't played Means to an End previously.