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Death Inc. Kickstarter fails as developer releases iPad puzzle game Monster Meltdown

Ambient Studios hopeful strategy game will one day see release.

Last night the Kickstarter for Death Inc., the strategy game from Ambient Studios, failed having made £122,711 of its £300,000 goal. But today the developer released a different game: iPad puzzle title Monster Meltdown.

In "The Last Post" on Death Inc.'s Kickstarter page, the Ambient team said it was still hopeful of releasing the game despite the crowd-funding set-back.

"What a ride it has been," reads the post. "But it's OK! Together we've taken an exciting, gruelling, and enlightening journey over the last month. We've created and released a tonne of content (including a demo and a house!) and received loads of useful feedback. We wouldn't change that for the world.

"We would like to assure you all that you haven't seen the last of Death Inc! We are working extremely hard to make this beautiful, bonkers, original game a reality for you all."

Death Inc. is a point and drag real-time strategy game in which you play as the Grim Reaper, infecting villagers with the plague before commanding them as your army. Ambient was co-founded by Jonny Hopper, who used to work at Media Molecule on the LittleBigPlanet series.

Today, Ambient released Monster Meltdown on iPad for £1.49 on the App Store. A video of the game is below.

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