Ex-LittleBigPlanet devs show off Death, Inc. gameplay
From up here all those people look like Pikmin.
The former Media Molecule staff at Ambient Studios have revealed 11 minutes of gameplay from the prototype of its upcoming RTS/god game about the bubonic plague, Death, Inc.
This video may not have completed art (though the screenshots reveal the final look of the game), but it gives off a good feel for the game's basic mechanics. You'll make brush strokes to command your ravenous infected and sic them on the unsuspecting populace. The game will feature physics, too, and you'll have to use a certain amount of units to push a crank to open a gate. Due to the accessible control scheme, you'll need only draw a clockwise trail around a crank for your units to turn it, while in some cases you'll want them to do the opposite to provide protection. Sometimes the gates will close if the crank isn't being perpetually turned, so you'll have to multitask and send some infected on crank duties while others go around spreading death and disease.
The whole thing looks a lot more like Pikmin than I would have figured, but Ambient hasn't revealed how the game's business-sim side will work.
Those who would like to see Death, Inc on Steam can head over to its newly erected Steam Greenlight page, while its Kickstarter could use more traction as it's only at £36,684 towards its £300,000 goal with 26 days to go before its 6th March deadline.
Funding permitting, Death, Inc. is slated for an October release on PC, Mac and Linux.