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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds fan unearths work in progress items

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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds could be getting a whole new range of items and skins.

Redditor DevinWatson went digging through the game files of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and came came across some hidden gems. In a post called Data Mining Unreleased Skins / Items, DevinWatson revealed 54 items, in various states of completion, including a leather jacket, Mad Max style armour and hooded duster jackets.

Image credit DevinWatson
Image credit DevinWatson
Image credit DevinWatson

Other items include poison apples, survival kits and a full body armour suit, which looks like it belongs on Andromeda.

Image credit DevinWatson

The items were among development and test files, leading some to believe the items were scrapped. However, a representative of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds told Eurogamer the items are a "work in progress", suggesting they will come to the game at some point.

In a separate thread, DevinWatson revealed he also spotted the stairs in the game go "way underground", which another redditor explained was just in case you bugged and fell through the map - so you can easily get back to normal ground again. A clever idea used by many games still in development.

Image credit DevinWatson

As PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is still in early access, with patches and updates taking priority, it may be some time before we see these items in the game.

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