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Capcom still Deep Down in development

New footage shows four-player co-op.

Capcom has provided an update on its MIA PlayStation 4-exclusive role-player Deep Down, which was last shown off publicly at Tokyo Games Show 2013.

The Dark Souls-esque dungeon crawler is still very much in development, as the fresh footage below shows.

There's lots of footage of players exploring Deep Down's dark cave-like environments, where the procedurally-generated areas are now a little more open than what we've seen before.

Co-operative gameplay for two and four players is also showcased, with small teams of heavily-armed fighters teaming up to slash away at the game's enemies.

The latter part of the video includes a brief look at Deep Down's futuristic city section. Set in New York in 2094, it's still unknown how this part factors into the game's story.

Capcom is still to lock down a launch date for Deep Down beyond a vague "2015" release window for Japan. The Japanese beta has been delayed from this year into next, however, suggesting it may be a while longer before we hear more.

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