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Cancelled Shovel Knight board game Kickstarter to relaunch mid-August

A miner delay.

After making his return to Kickstarter at the beginning of the month, Shovel Knight will have to wait a little bit longer to continue funding for his tabletop adventure, Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels.

In an update on the Kickstarter campaign page, developer Panda Cult Games explained that after listening to its backers and the fans expectations, it was making changes to its campaign to ensure it was "the very best it can be".

"As a small team, it's supremely important to us to care about what we do and what we are working on, as well as treating it with the proper respect it deserves. We believe this campaign can be better, and we have plans to improve it and open it up to a much wider audience with a more cost-friendly version to boot!"

The majority of comments the team received were about pricing of the game, as the previous and only tier was a $70 pledge (about £56). So to reduce the barrier of entry, a tier priced at around $30 - $35 (£24 - £28) is being introduced for the August relaunch. There's a trade off for this tier however - to be able to make the game at half the price, Panda Cult Games will swap out the highly detailed models for standees in the cheaper version.

In addition to this, it will create more videos on the campaign, including previews, so fans can get a better idea of what they're pledging to.

"We feel like this is the right decision for this campaign, and feel confident that a relaunch will do Shovel Knight proud," Panda Cult wrote. "We also hope you agree! As backers, we cannot thank you enough for your support and input. It means a ton to us at Panda Cult Games, because without you, our dreams couldn't become a reality!"

With 730 backers so far, the campaign had amassed over $46,000 of its $80,000 dollar goal. With the relaunch, Panda Cult Games is giving itself more time to spread the word about Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels, but considering fans raised over half the initial amount in just over a week, it might not even need the extra time.

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