Borderlands 3 pre-order bonuses including the Gold Skin Pack, trailers, release date and everything we know
All the official information we have so far about Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 is on its way and it's time to get prepared for your return to the bullet crazy world of Pandora.
We already have an idea about some of the new features heading our way in Borderlands 3, including the new Vault Hunters and the fact that you can travel to new planets.
This page will act as a hub for all our Borderlands 3 guides. We'll also use this page to cover the basics like all the Borderlands 3 pre-order details, the Borderlands 3 release date and the latest Borderlands 3 trailers. We've also included a round up of all the important features heading your way in Borderlands 3.
On this page:
Borderlands 3 release date
Borderlands 3 has a release date of September 13th 2019 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Borderlands 3 will only be available for PC via the Epic Games store until April 2020. From April 2020 onwards, it should be available on other PC digital storefronts, such as Steam.

Borderlands 3 pre-order details and bonuses, including Gold Skin Pack
There's a range of different pre-order bonuses available for Borderlands 3, including DLC, a Season Pass and a host of Borderlands 3 themed goodies.
Don't worry worth - we've done the research for you! Below you'll find links to all major sites where you can pre-order Borderlands 3 and details on the bonuses that come with every edition.
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Amazon
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Game
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from 2k Store
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from ShopTo
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Amazon
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from 2k Store
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Best Buy
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Gamestop
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Target
- Pre-order Borderlands 3 from Walmart
How to get the Gold Weapons Skin Pack
Every pre-ordered copy of Borderlands 3 will include the Gold Weapons Skin Pack. This includes a gold weapon trinket and gold weapons skin that can be applied to any and all guns in the game.

What's in the Deluxe and Super Deluxe Editions of Borderlands 3?
Both the Deluxe and the Super Deluxe Edition of Borderlands 3 come with a variety of different skin packs for you to customize your Vault Hunter with, including:
- Retro Cosmetic Pack - Vault Hunter Skin, Echo Device Skin and weapon skin
- Neon Cosmetic Pack - Vault Hunter Skin, Echo Device Skin and weapon trinket
- Gearbox Cosmetic Pack - Vault Hunter Skin, Echo Device Skin and weapon trinket
- Toy Box Weapon Pack - 2 toy guns, toy grenade mod and trinket
- Equippable XP boost mod
- Equippable loot drop boost mod
The only difference is that the Super Deluxe Edition will also come with the Season Pass, which includes 4 campaign DLC packs. Each pack will bring you new stories, missions and challenges. The Season Pass will also have a weapon skin, trinket and grenade mod all themed around everyone's favorite pony made out of diamonds - Butt Stallion.
All the Season Pass DLC should be available by September 2020.
What's in the Collectors Edition of Borderlands 3?
This is the big one.
Game content wise, the Collector's Edition includes the Gold Weapon Skin Pack, every bonus from the Deluxe Edition and the Season Pass.
What the Collector's Edition truly offer, however is Borderlands 3 swag, including Borderlands character figurines, Vault Key keychains, a model of Sanctuary III, a replica diamond loot chest and other Borderland themed items.
What are the Game UK exclusives for Borderlands 3?
If you live in the UK and want to pre-order your copy of Borderlands 3 from Game, then you have the possibility of receiving two exclusive items.
The first is a Borderlands 3 Psycho Bandit mask, which comes with any edition of the Borderlands 3 (as long as stocks last).
Yes, this is a physical, real, life mask. Though we've had no confirmation on the actual size of the mask, so we don't know if you can wear it.
The second is a Borderlands 3 steelbook case, which only comes with Super Deluxe Edition of Borderlands 3.
What are the Amazon UK exclusives for Borderlands 3?
If you live in the UK and order the Standard Edition of Borderlands 3 from Amazon UK, then you'll receive 5 Gold Keys.

Gold Keys are used to unlock the Gold Loot Chest, which will reward you with a random items for every key you use.
In Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the Gold Loot Chest could spawn purple (very rare) ranked weapons, class mods, shields and grenade mods. It could also spawn blue (rare) and purple ranked E-tech weapons and relics.
All the Borderlands 3 trailers
One thing is for sure - we are not starved when its comes to Borderlands 3 trailers. Six trailers have been released so far and there is also a one hour long gameplay reveal livestream.
If you want to see Fl4k and their pets in action, check out their trailer below. It was released on August 8th:
Amara has her own trailer showcasing her abilities, which was released on August 6th:
If you're considering playing as Moze, check out this trailer released on August 1st:
There is also a trailer dedicated to Zane, which was released on 30th July
To the tune of 'So Happy Together,' released on 16th June 2019, this trailer shows off some of the new planets and Vault Hunter skills:
Here is the 2019 E3 trailer, which shows off the Vault Hunters, their abilities and more Borderlands 3 gameplay:
A gameplay reveal trailer was released on 1st May 2019:
The release date trailer came out on 3rd April 2019:
The official announcement trailer for Borderlands 3 was released on 28th March 2019. It contains details on the story, gameplay, the new Vault Hunters and new worlds you can visit:
You can also watch the original teaser trailer - Mask of Mayhem:
If you want to have a nice long look at how Borderlands 3 will play, including commentary from members of the Gearbox development team, then watch the gameplay reveal livestream from 1st May 2019:
The Eurogamer YouTube channel also has some great Borderlands 3 content and gameplay footage for you to enjoy.
There's 16 minutes of gameplay as Zane the Operative, including a boss fight:
A 15 minute video of more Zane gameplay, showing this skills in action:
If you want to know what Moze the Gunner will be like to play, then check out this video:
There's also a rundown of 18 exciting new things in Borderlands 3:
You can also find out the six reasons why Eurogamer is excited for Borderlands 3:
Borderlands 3 has arrived! Check out our skill tree guides for Amara, Fl4k, Moze and Zane.
If you're looking for more challenges to complete, check out our guides on the Dead Claptraps, Broadcast Towers, Eridian Writing,Hijack Targets, Legendary Hunts and Typhon Logs and Typhon Dead Drops. If you want some easy rewards, consult our Borderlands 3 Shift Codes and VIP Codes page. When you've finished Borderlands 3, visit our guides on Guardian Rank and Rewards, Mayhem Mode and True Vault Hunter mode to learn more about what you unlock in the post-game.
New vault hunters, new planets and other things we know about Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 promises to take us back to Pandora and that loot hunting experience that got so many of us hooked to the previous games. While it does look like Borderlands 3 will succeed in this quest, there is a range of new features that could make it the best Borderlands game so far.
Four new Vault Hunters
With every new Borderlands game comes four new Vault Hunters.
These heroes of the Borderlands are your choice of playable characters. Each one has a unique play style and skill tree, so it's a good idea to do some research before you make your choice.
- Amara the Siren is a woman gifted with incredible powers, which come in the form of six phantom arms. (Amara. Arms. Get it?)
- Fl4k the Beastmaster is a robot on a quest of self-enlightenment and is accompanied by their three monstrous pets.
- Moze the Gunner is a former Vladof army soldier with a specialism in mechanized combat.
- Zane the Operative is a semi-retired corporate hitman with a variety of deadly gadgets.

Guns, guns, guns and more guns with legs
Borderlands 3 wouldn't be a Borderlands game if it wasn't filled to the brim with guns. It's good news then that Borderlands 3 will apparently have over one billion guns for you to use.
While we have to wait to see how true this statement is, we know from experience that there will certainly be a lot of gun variety on offer.
Are you a sniper or go you like to jump into the fight wielding a machine gun? Do you like to set your enemies on fire or cover them in acid? Want a gun which tosses grenades every time you reload it? Want a gun that you never have to reload? Want a gun with legs?
Yes, you read that correctly - there will be a gun with legs in Borderlands 3.
All your favourite gun manufacturers will be returning - from Dahl to Vladof. Cov, a new manufacturer, is also competing for your business and, after being absent since the first game, Altas has re-opened for business.

New planets and space travel
For the first time in the Borderlands series, you'll be able to escape the barren deserts of Pandora and travel through the stars on your spaceship - Sanctuary III.
Out in the cosmos, there are at least three new planets for you to visit: the swamp like planet of Eden-6, the futuristic metropolis of Promethea and Athenas, home to a monastery and the Siren, Maya. We don't know much else about the planets yet, but the prospect of discovering what is beyond Pandora's skies is very exciting.

Your favourite characters are returning
If you're a massive Borderlands fan, then this news is going to make you very happy indeed.
Classic characters from the original game, such as Mad Moxxi and Lilith, will be returning; alongside the Vault Hunters Maya and Zer0, who both debuted in Borderlands 2. Tales from the Borderlands, the Telltale Game series, hasn't been forgotten either - Rhys is now the head of Altas.
This is only a couple of returning characters, more fan favourites such as Tiny Tina have also been confirmed. It looks like Borderlands 3 is really bringing the whole gang back together.

New Season Pass
Borderlands 3 will, of course, have a Season Pass, which will include four campaign DLC packs. Each one will include new stories, missions and challenges.
While we don't know anything about the DLC for Borderlands 3 yet, we do know that the Season Pass will come with a weapon skin, weapon trinket and a grenade mod themed around Butt Stallion - the best diamond pony in the universe.
Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary DLC
Need your kick of Borderlands goodness right now? Then head back to Borderlands 2 and download the Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary DLC.
This new campaign is designed to bring the story gap between Borderlands 2 and 3, while also hinting at the upcoming events of the new game. It sees Lilith and the Crimson Raider trying to find a way to leave Pandora, so that they can hunt down new vaults. Unfortunately an abandoned Dahl battalion has other ideas...
This DLC is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and you need a copy of Borderlands 2 to download it. It currently costs £11.99 / $14.99.