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Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition out today on PC but delayed on Android, Mac, iPad

Crash-bug failed approval.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is out today! But only on PC.

The game goes live at 8pm UK time (1pm MST), according to the man in charge, Trent Oster. You can buy and pre-load it now from the game's official website.

The iPad version had a crash bug that prevented approval by Apple. It'll be a week late.

"iOS build had a game-stopper bug," Oster wrote on Twitter (via Modojo). "With current estimate for App Store approval, that puts us into next week. We're doing all we can."

"We aren't going home until the new build is submitted. We've done a lot of builds and testing and we are close now."

The Android tablet build "is trailing iOS". "Our current crash is cross-platform," Oster added, "so the fixes are for all platforms. Legacy code bites again."

"We'll get Android done before Christmas," he announced. "The list of supported devices might be very Nvidia skewed though."

Mac OSX approvals are taking even longer than on iOS, "so it is hard to predict", he shrugged. "PC is only launch date we can control."

What about an iPhone build? BG:EE does work on the smartphone "but the buttons are simply too small to press", explained Oster. "Later we can re-UI."

Overhaul Games is also working on a cross-platform save-game solution but it's not finished yet.

A gameplay trailer for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition was released the other day. It showed, well, old graphics; there are plenty of Enhancements, but don't let the name trick you into expecting a glitzy re-skin here.

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