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Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition out now on iPad for £7

Better get that robe and wizard hat on.

The wait is over: Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition has been released on iPad for £6.99.


Or perhaps the wait has just begun: the game's file size is 1.70GB.

At £7 it's significantly cheaper than the $19.99 PC version, although a trio of £2 in-app purchases level it out. It's only available to play on iOS 6.

I spoke to Overhaul Games earlier this week and boss Trent Oster seemed most impressed with the iPad version, on which he said the famed old RPG looked "gorgeous".

The iPad release also marks an exciting new tablet era for Baldur's Gate, with an Android tablet version to follow before Christmas, Oster hopes.

Our robed-and-wizard-hatted Paul Dean reviewed Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition on PC. "After all these years, it still stands up as gorgeous, engrossing, witty and bloody-minded RPG," said Paul Dean. And on iPad where there's no other way to play BG, well, this should be a shoe-in.

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