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Tribes 2 Cup news

More prizes and a new venue for the finals

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The Official UK Tribes 2 Cup was only announced a couple of months ago, but almost straight away rumours emerged that the finals wouldn't be taking place at the i8 LAN party after all. Now we have confirmation of that, with news from Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing that they will instead be holding the finals of the massive competition at the LAN Arena gaming center in Maidenhead. Amongst the reasons for choosing the venue is the fact that it includes a well-stocked bar, "bound to be a main attraction for the event". Trying to come up with a reason for the switch in venues which didn't involve alcohol, VUIP's Jon Rooke added that "we have an extremely good relationship with Lanarena, and see their gaming sites as the future of LAN gaming in the UK".

And in related news, it has also been announced that all eight members of the clan that wins the UK Tribes 2 Cup will get an additional prize in the form of a framed copy of Tribes 2 signed by the entire development team at Dynamix. Or at least the ones who haven't already been laid off or moved to other companies. And if that's not enough to get you excited, the third press release about the competition to arrive on our desks this morning brought news that all sixteen finalists will also win one of the brand new Saitek Touch Force Optical mice, which feature Immersion's TouchSense force feedback support, as used in Black & White.

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