Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass update: changes, rewards, new features, and when Battle Charge Season 2 ends
All the info you need on Apex Legends Season 2's Battle Pass.
Apex Legends season 2 is here, and the Season 2 battle pass, Battle Charge - as well as plenty of other changes in the Season 2 update - has arrived with it.
Below you'll find a summary of everything you need to know about the new season, including Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass rewards, the Apex Season 2 changes that came with it, and everything else you might find useful.
On this page:
- Apex Legends Season 2 end date - when does Season 2 end?
- Apex Legends Season 2 update: all the changes
- Apex Legends Battle Pass rewards
- Apex Legends Season 2 Premium Battle Pass cost and how to get it
- Apex Legends Roadmap after Season 2 - what else is coming in 2019?
- What was the previous season in Apex Legends like?
Apex Legends Season 2 end date - when does Season 2 end?
The Apex Legends Season 2 start date was Tuesday, 2nd July 2019, and was the same across all platforms, going live around 6 or 7pm (BST) in the UK.
Meanwhile, the Apex Legends Season 2 end date is Tuesday, 1st October 2019, at the following times:
- UK: 7pm (BST)
- Europe: 8pm (CEST)
- East Coast US: 2pm (EDT)
- West Coast US: 11am (PDT)
Want to know the best Legend for this Season? Check out our Apex Legends Season 16 Legend Tier List that details who's the best for Revelry and why. Our other guides can show you how to make a Private Match and explain what Ring Consoles are. Also, take a look at our Veiled collection event page to learn about the latest limited-time event.
Apex Legends Season 2 update: all the changes that came with Apex Season 2
Here's a very quick list of all the new features for you to get an at-a-glance idea.

Apex Legends Season 2 new features at a glance:
- A new Apex Legends Battle Pass with improved rewards.
- A new Legend, called Wattson - see our Apex Legends Wattson guide for more on her!
- A new weapon, the L-Star LMG - see our Apex Legends weapons and weapon damage stats guide for more on that!
- New items and gear, including new hop-ups.
- A ranked mode, ranging from Bronze to Apex Predator.
- Changes to the Apex Legends Kings Canyon map.
- Weekly Challenges - see our Apex Legends Challenges explained page for how the new system works.
- Balance tweaks, including changes to Apex Legeds weapon damage stats.
- Map tweaks and new features - our Apex Legends map update and changes guide dives into the details.
How to level up the Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass, and the Season 2 Battle Pass rewards detailed
As with Season 1, Apex's Season 2 Battle Pass will grant you rewards with every level gained, up to level 100, and likewise as before there are both free rewards that can be earned by anyone playing Apex during the Season 2 period, and a host of rewards exclusive to those who purchase the premium Battle Pass.

Free Season 2 Battle Pass Rewards
The free rewards for Season 2, which can be earned from gaining the right number of Battle Pass levels regardless of whether you buy the premium one or not, total up as:
- Season 2 stat trackers, one for each Legend.
- Five Apex Packs.
- The Wattson Hot Rod Skin.
Season 2 Premium Battle Pass Rewards
There are dozens and dozens of rewards you can earn if you purchase the Premium Battle Pass for Season 2 and level it up. These are all viewable in-game, so we won't list them all here, but note that there's a signficiant improvement on the quality and quantity of rewards compared to Season 1, including emotes for skydiving at the start of a round, music packs, and loading screens, which are all new editions.

How to level up the Season 2 Battle Pass
This season, you don't earn Battle Pass XP from playing regular games. Instead, you need to complete various challenges in-game in order to earn stars. Stars, combined with the regular XP you earn from playing the game, are combined and go towards a threshold (starting at 9,000 and increasing each time you hit it, resetting to 9,000 at the end of each week). Each time you hit the threshold of stars and XP combined, you earn a Battle Pass Level.
As well as earning levels that way, however, you can also unlock levels as direct rewards for certain challenges. See our dedicated Apex Legends Challenges guide for more detail on how that system works, but the basic thing you need to know is this: Complete challenges and play the game to earn XP and Stars; XP and Stars combine to earn you levels of your Battle Pass, and progressing through Battle Pass levels is what gets you those lovely Battle Pass rewards. Simple! Ish.
Apex Legends Season 2 Premium Battle Pass cost and how to get it
The Premium Battle Pass for Apex Legends Season 2 costs 950 Apex Coins, which is a premium-only currency (as in, it requires you to use real-world money to get it).
You can grab the Battle Pass Bundle for 2,800 Apex Coins, which includes approximately 4700 Apex Coins' worth of content, if you'd rather stump up a little more. Both of these are unlocked in-game from the "Battle Pass" menu.

Note that you can also earn Apex Coins by progressing through the Battle Pass levels themselves. The Season 1 Battle Pass, for instance, contained a total of 1,000 Apex Coins in rewards at various tiers (roughly 100 coins per 10 tiers was the rate at which you earned them), and it's similar again for Season 2, meaning you can earn all of the required coins for the next season's Battle Pass just by playing the current one.
Apex Legends Roadmap after Season 2 - what else is coming in 2019?
Developer Respawn has revealed what to expect from the Apex Legends Roadmap for the coming year (thanks Purpletoaster20 on reddit):

If the above image is a little difficult to read, then the pertinent details are:
- There are four seasons in 2019, the first arriving in March
- Each season will be three months in length
- Each season offers a Battle Pass, new Legends (Apex Legends character classes), new weapons and new loot
As for Apex Legends season and Battle Pass timings, we know that:
- Apex Legends Season 1 begins in March
- Apex Legends Season 2 begins in June
- Apex Legends Season 3 begins in September
- Apex Legends Season 4 begins in December
What was the previous season in Apex Legends like?
Finally, for comparison's sake, here's a look at the previous season's rewards, so you can compare those against the current ones yourself in-game. Season 2's Battle Charge Battle Pass is quite a bit more generous, thankfully!
Battle Pass Level | Reward | Free Reward |
1 | Revolutionary Lifeline Skin, Outlaw Mirage Skin, Survivor Wraith Skin | - |
2 | Harvest Triple Take Skin | Apex Pack |
3 | Wraith Tracker - Season 1 Kills | - |
4 | Patchwork Hemlock Skin | Gibraltar Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
5 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
6 | Opening Season Bangalore Quip | Pathfinder Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
7 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
8 | Bloudhound Tracker - Season 1 Kills | Wraith Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
9 | Navigator Prowler Skin | - |
10 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | Bangalore Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
11 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
12 | BP Point Boost: +5% survival time as BP per squad member. | Apex Pack |
13 | Funny Bones Mirage Frame | - |
14 | Navigator Longbow Skin | Bloudhound Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
15 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
16 | Opening Season Mirage Quip | Caustic Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
17 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
18 | Flight Risk Octane Frame | Mirage Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
19 | Patchwork Spitfire Skin | - |
20 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | Lifeline Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
21 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
22 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | Octane Tracker - Season 1 Wins |
23 | Silk Road Wraith Frame | - |
24 | Navigator Mozambique Skin | Apex Pack |
25 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
26 | Epic Apex Pack | Caustic Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
27 | Season Opening Pathfinder Quip | - |
28 | Mirage Tracker - Season 1 Kills | Bangalore Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
29 | Harvest Kraber Skin | - |
30 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | Gibraltar Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
31 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
32 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | Bloodhound Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
33 | Pathfinder Tracker - Season 1 Kills | - |
34 | Patchwork EVA Skin | Apex Pack |
35 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
36 | Opening Season Caustic Quip | Lifeline Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
37 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
38 | Caustic Tracker - Season 1 Kills | Octane Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
39 | Navigator Flatline Skin | - |
40 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | Wrath Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
41 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
42 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | Mirage Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
43 | Apex Pack | - |
44 | Patchwork Alternator Skin | Pathfinder Tracker - Season 1 Damage |
45 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
46 | Opening Season Gibraltar Quip | Apex Pack |
47 | 50 Apex Coins | - |
48 | Gibraltar Tracker - Season 1 Kills | Messenger Octane Skin |
49 | Harvest Peacekeeper Skin | - |
50 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
51 | Thrill of the Hunt Prowler Skin | - |
52 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | - |
53 | Apex Pack | - |
54 | Harvest Devotion Skin | - |
55 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
56 | Opening Season Wraith Quip | - |
57 | 100 Apex Coins | - |
58 | Octane Tracker - Season 1 Kills | - |
59 | Patchwork Mastiff Skin | - |
60 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
61 | Pick Me Up Lifeline Frame | - |
62 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | - |
63 | 100 Apex Coins | - |
64 | Harvest P2020 Skin | - |
65 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
66 | Opening Season Bloodhound Quip | - |
67 | 100 Apex Coins | - |
68 | Lifeline Tracker - Season 1 Kills | - |
69 | Patchwork Havoc Skin | - |
70 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
71 | Nock Down Bloodhound Frame | - |
72 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | - |
73 | Apex Pack | - |
74 | Harvest R99 Skin | - |
75 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
76 | Open Season Octane Quip | - |
77 | 100 Apex Coins | - |
78 | Bangalore Tracker - Season 1 Kills | - |
79 | Navigator Wingman Skin | - |
80 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
81 | Land of Giants Gibraltar Frame | - |
82 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | - |
83 | Apex Pack | - |
84 | Patchwork RE-45 Skin | - |
85 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
86 | Legendary Apex Pack | - |
87 | 100 Apex Coins | - |
88 | Slaughterhouse Caustic Frame | - |
89 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | - |
90 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
91 | Building Bridges Pathfinder Frame | - |
92 | BP Point Boost: +2.5% survival time as BP per squad member. | - |
93 | Apex Pack | - |
94 | Patchwork G7 Scout Skin | - |
95 | Wild Frontier Level Badge | - |
96 | Open Season Lifeline Quip | - |
97 | 100 Apex Coins | - |
98 | Sharpened Senses Bangalore Frame | - |
99 | Harvest R-301 Skin | - |
100 | Wild Frontier Level Badge, The Silver Horn Havoc Skin, The Golden Idol Havoc Skin, Season 1 Badge | - |