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45-minute Nintendo Direct broadcast this week

Mario Odyssey! Switch! 3DS! Wednesday night!

A 45-minute Nintendo Direct broadcast will be held this Wednesday, 13th September at 11pm UK time.

That's midnight in mainland Europe, 6pm Eastern US or 3pm Pacific time.

The presentation will reveal new details on Mario Odyssey, which is due next month. Nintendo also teased further 3DS and Switch announcements.

What do I expect? Well, Nintendo has already announced a Kirby 3DS game for launch later this year - I reckon we'll see that. There's a new Arms update coming - we may be treated to details of that, too. And, as we head into the latter half of this year, could it be time for some more Wii U ports?

The announcement also comes just days after Bethesda's Pete Hines hinted about a new game announcement. Could we see another Bethesda title on Switch, following Skyrim?

Finally, on a personal note, I'd love some more information on Nintendo's delayed Animal Crossing mobile game. Please?

We'll be reporting live on Wednesday - do join us then.

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