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Watch us play DayZ with Dean Hall

Yesterday's livestream in full.

UPDATE: It's finished! You can still catch the livestream in all its glory below, though - and we'll be bringing you more from Bohemia's offices over the coming week.

ORIGINAL STORY: We've done a fair few DayZ streams before, and had a fair amount of fun doing them. There's very little out there that has the potential to create such memorable moments as the survival simulator, and as it slowly works its way out of alpha it's only getting better.

This livestream's a little different, though, and hopefully it's going to be a little bit special. Ian Higton's over at Bohemia's Prague headquarters, and this evening he's going to be joined by DayZ's creator Dean Hall for a livestream. Dean's famously open and loose-lipped, too, so hopefully we'll get some more insight into what's next on DayZ's roadmap.

We're hoping to kick off at 5pm GMT, and you can catch all the action in the magic black box below.

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