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Watch: Ian plays Super Mario Sunshine for the first time

In this week's Late to the Party.

Playing host to classics like Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart: Double Dash (the best Mario Kart ever, in case you were wondering), the Nintendo Gamecube was a criminally underrated console. I adored mine, getting use out of it all the way through my teens and well into university.

Ian Higton, on the other hand, never owned one - until this month, that is. In a stroke of genius, he acquired a Gamecube for his birthday, thereby allowing him to experience the splendour of Super Mario Sunshine for the very first time in this week's Late to the Party. Little did he know he'd bitten off more than he could chew, coming up against Sunshine's finicky camera and my own powerful, sordid sense of nostalgia. Watch the video below for inept platforming and some startling personal revelations from yours truly. Apologies in advance.

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If you have any particularly fond memories of Super Mario Sunshine - or any other Gamecube game, for that matter - feel free to drop them in the comments below.

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