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Watch Dogs teases New Jersey-based DLC

The garden surveillance state.

Hey smilin' strange, Watch Dogs will be getting DLC based in New Jersey.

The official Watch Dogs Twitter account teased the add-on stating: "Our data indicates surveillance has become more prominent in high-crime areas."

Attatched was the following image noting that Camden, New Jersey had a higher crime rate than anywhere in the US in 2012.

"Coming this Fall!" the account added in a reply.

Our Dan Whitehead enjoyed his time with Watch Dogs, even if he found the overall experience a little on the underwhelming side. "It certainly entertains, but mostly through borrowed concepts, and the central notion that could have made it stand out - the hacking - is the most undercooked of all," he wrote in his Watch Dogs review. "It doesn't get anything horribly wrong, but nor does it excel at any of the genre beats it so faithfully bangs out."

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