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Wasteland 2 beta update goes live next week

Two new screenshots released.

The next, major update to post-apocalyptic role-playing game Wasteland 2 goes live on Steam on Monday, 24th February, developer inXile has announced.

In an update on the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter page inXile chief Brian Fargo repeated comments he issued to Eurogamer in a recent interview in saying development of the game was "in the final stretch".

In the update he mentioned a three month plan which is intended to "create a significantly better game", "but do be aware the end of this three month plan does not represent the finish line, at that point there will still be work to do before we can release the game".

When Wasteland 2 does launch proper, the Mac version will be released alongside it. The Linux version will follow some time after, Fargo said.

Meanwhile, Fargo said inXile plans to make the beta available to buy to backers who don't already have access to it in a limited time $10 deal. This deal will launch at the same time as the update. The game is currently available from Steam Early Access for £34.99.

There's loads more detail on what to expect from the Wasteland 2 update in Eurogamer's interview with Fargo published earlier this week.

While you wait, check out the two new screenshots, below, showing off the latest version of the game.

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