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Wargroove bringing its Advance-Wars-inspired turn-based strategy to PS4 next week

No cross-play on Sony's platform though.

Developer Chucklefish has announced that the long-awaited PlayStation 4 version of its well-received turn-based strategy game Wargroove will finally be launching next Tuesday, 23rd July.

Wargroove, you might recall, released earlier this year on Switch, Xbox One, and PC, amid a swell of pre-launch anticipation. Much of that excitement was down to the fact that Chucklefish openly cited Nintendo's beloved Advance Wars series as a major inspiration for the title - as you'd probably be able to surmise yourself from a quick glance at a screenshot - sending long-neglected fans into a hopeful frenzy.

Thankfully, Wargroove does more than simply slap a fantasy theme onto Intelligent Systems' classic Advance Wars template. As you battle across each meticulously designed map, shifting your units around to engage in delightfully drawn rock-paper-scissors-style conflicts, Wargroove adds a few new tactical twists to consider - including the likes of unit synergies, enabling stronger attacks depending on adjacent allies.

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Wargroove's PS4 version will feature everything seen on other platforms, including a 20-hour story campaign, Arcade mode, and Puzzle mode, alongside co-op and competitive play, available both locally and online.

PlayStation 4 owners also get access to Wargroove's built-in map, cut-scene, and campaign editor, and can even download creations made by the community on other platforms. Chucklefish does note, however, that, unlike on PC, Xbox One, and Switch, online cross-play is not supported on PS4.

There's no word of a price for Wargroove's PS4 outing as yet, but it'll presumably take its lead from other console versions, putting it at around £16.

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