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Eurogamer Q&A: Our EGX recommendations

Briming with cool stuff.

It's that time again! EGX is NEXT WEEK, and we're looking forward to getting our hands on some of the biggest upcoming games of the year, including Kingdom Hearts 3, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and Super Smash Bros: Ultimate.

However, every year there are a few stand-out surprises at the show - games that blow us away for one reason or another. I asked my colleagues which games they think they're going to be most interested in this year.

Wesley Yin-Poole, Deputy Editor


I've had my eye on Wargroove for some time now. In the absence of a new Advance Wars from Nintendo (seriously, Nintendo, what's that about?), I'm looking to Wargroove to satisfy my craving for an easy to learn but hard to master turn-based strategy game. At first glance, Wargroove looks a lot like a medieval fantasy version of Advance Wars. When I got to play the game at E3 this year, I discovered Wargroove plays a lot like a medieval fantasy version of Advance Wars, too. This is not a dig - I am genuinely excited by the prospect of this game, and I'm particularly excited to get stuck into the campaign, which the developers at Chucklefish have promised will be sizeable. All I need to work out now is, which commander to main. Decisions, decisions...

Christian Donlan, Features Editor

Overcooked 2

Overcooked 2 is already out, I know, but EGX is that rare chance to play this game the way it's intended: not just with other people, but with other people who are total strangers. My first job was doing the dishes at a local restaurant where my older brothers worked. I didn't know anybody there, and frankly I was pretty basic at doing the washing up, but it feels, looking back, like I got to know everybody terribly quickly - such was the strange energy of the pressurised environment of catering.

Overcooked really nails this. It's a cooking game that understands that being in a kitchen is stressful and dangerous and exhausting and annoying and brilliant. Mostly brilliant. Don't miss it.

Emma Kent, Reporter Intern


What's long and jiggly and moves around seemingly of its own accord? That's right, it's a two-headed dog from indie game PHOGS.

I first saw PHOGS at EGX Rezzed earlier this year, where I observed (with some amusement) my friends guide their rolling-pin pooch through the game's cutesy world. It's a co-op by Bit Loom that's due to release in 2019. Each player controls one end of the dog, and must together complete a range of physics puzzles. These include dodging the wind, herding misbehaving creatures, and using the pup as a hosepipe. Many seem to revolve around rolling fruit into a giant pink loch ness monster's mouth. What a peach of a game.

Sure, it's not the biggest game at EGX, but with its soft art style, PHOGS seems like an ideal way to relax after a long day on the show floor. At Rezzed I ran out of time to test this crazy game for myself, so this time I'll be sure to get my paws on PHOGS. Someone come and be my wiggle buddy, please.

Paul Watson, Social Media Manager

Untitled Goose Game

I'm kind of stunned that none of my colleagues have picked this game, because it seems like an absolute no-brainer to me.

Untitled Goose Game's (god, I hope that's the final name) developer House House has very astutely observed that geese are complete arseholes, and have crafted a game that lets you step into the webbed feet of the foul fowl and be the best arsehole you can be.

I can't wait to get hands-on with the game and spend my time bothering gardeners and getting into the local newsagents to steal their Mars Bars. Screw all those AAA games - who needs a big gun when you can break someone's arm with your beak.

Are you attending EGX this year? What games are you most looking forward to playing? Let us know in the comments.

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