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Voldo is as weird as ever in Soulcalibur 6

Spikes in your eyes.

Voldo's in Soulcalibur 6.

The veteran video game weirdo was confirmed playable in Soulcalibur 6 via a trailer that looks like it was published early - but of course the internet never forgets.

In Soulcalibur 6, Voldo is described as a "hell guardian". He uses weapons Manas and Ayus in his bizarre, self-taught fighting style. He has spikes on his eyes and a creepy face mask on the back of his head.

The blind Sicilian was a character I struggled to get to grips with in previous versions of Soulcalibur on account of his unusual fighting style. Based on the video, he's lost none of his weirdness for Soulcalibur 6. The bendy, spiky, hissing and moaning ball of chaos has an elaborate move where he bounces his opponent into the air off of his belly because this is Voldo and why not?

Bandai Namco has already announced a raft of characters for Soulcalibur 6, which comes out on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on 19th October. Geralt from The Witcher series is a guest character, and Taki returns after skipping Soulcalibur 5.

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