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Valve rejects Mutant Mudds for release on Steam

Renegade Kid turns to and GamesGate.

Valve has rejected Nintendo 3DS platformer Mutant Mudds for release on Steam.

Why? Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham tweeted: "Apparently, "Steam is not a good fit for distribution," when it comes to Mutant Mudds. :("

With no further explanation, Renegade Kid has now turned its attention to alternative PC distribution channels, including and GamersGate. In response, Watsham received a "nice, welcoming" email from GamersGate.

"Thank you to everyone who responded to the Steam news," Watsham continued. "In this industry we run into many obstacles. We will continue to march forward.

"Mutant Mudds will be released on the PC, and maybe even on Steam one day. :)"

While it's not clear why Valve rejected Mutant Mudds for release on Steam, IndieGameMag speculated that it may have been a casualty of a "seemingly random approach to distribution" and there "may be some issues in the game coming from a handheld".

For its part, Valve has said it is working on improving its approval process and how it interacts with developers.

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