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These are the most wanted items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons right now

Related: I need the Ironwood bed and clock recipes, kthxbai.

We already know that despite its deceptively wholesome presentation, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has a terrifyingly robust black market, but Polygon has now dug a little deeper into the island sim's online marketplaces to assess what are the most coveted items players are seeking right now.

According to Nookazon, the most popular items are Nook Miles Ticket, the cutting board, Ironwood dresser, Crescent-moon chair, and fish bait. Nook.Market, however, seemingly has a different clientele; here, the Cute bed is top of the wishlist, with the soft-serve lamp, pinball machine, floor light, Cute DIY table, espresso marker, double sofa, Imperial partition, and Cute sofa all taking a space in the top ten respectively, too.

Naturally, one person's trash is another's treasure - and I say this as someone with about five soft-serve lamps in storage - but it's curious to see demand for cutting boards and ironwood dressers are still thriving.

In related news, did you know the colour of your airport's roof may intimate the colour options available in both your Nook's Cranny and Nook Miles stores? According to a new hypothesis that's popped up on Reddit, your teacup ride will be black if lamposts are green, and your airport's roof is blue. Other items are also similarly linked, too, so if your Nook Store offers the lighthouse in blue and white stripes, your swimming pool will have white tiles and your vending machine will be black.

And if you've ever wondered if there's a pattern behind which visiting NPCs show up on your Animal Crossing: New Horizon's island and when, wonder no more. Turns out that there is, indeed, an algorithm behind the random - and not-so-random - appearances from your favourite visitors - and a dataminer thinks they've worked it out.

As for your fellow islanders? Here's everything you need to know about Animal Crossing villagers, from how to invite new recruits, making them leave, and becoming BFFs.

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