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The Forest priced and dated for Early Access

UPDATE: Delayed until next week. Latest trailer reveals horrifying new monsters.

UPDATE 20/05/2014: The Forest's Early Access release has been pushed back one week. It's now slated to come out on 29th May.

Until then, enjoy these turtles.

C'mon little guys. You can make it. Only one week to go!

ORIGINAL STORY 25/03/2014: Endnight Games' beautiful open-world horror game The Forest will premiere on Steam Early Access on 22nd May for $14.99 (about £9).

And yes, it will have Oculus Rift support.

The Vancouver-based indie outfit also released a new trailer that shows off a new type of enemy: one with way more limbs on its head than any creature ought have. Spooky stuff.

Watch on YouTube

I interviewed Endnight about The Forest in January and it sounded full of potential with influences ranging from BioShock to Minecraft to Myst and Fallout. Get the full scoop in our The Forest preview.

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