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The Flame in the Flood meets its Kickstarter goal in a week

PS4 stretch goal announced.

Ex-BioShock developers' upcoming backwater survival sim about a girl and her dog, The Flame in the Flood, has surpassed its $150K Kickstarter goal with a current tally of $153,013.

As a result, developer The Molasses Flood has announced a series of stretch goals.

The most exciting of which is at $300K, wherein it will come to PS4.

Others stretch goals include further localisation (in German, French, and Spanish) at $175K, raft customisation at $200K, more language options (Russian, Portuguese, and Polish) at $225K, and an Endless Mode at $250K.

There will be further stretch goals announced for $350K and above, but these will only be revealed once the $300K PS4 goal is met.

The Flame in the Flood is tentatively scheduled for a July 2015 release on PC and Mac. But given how its Kickstarter campaign is going, it's sounding rather likely that it will head to PS4 and god knows where else in the future.

The Flame in the Flood's Kickstarter campaign runs until 6th November.

Comparatively, the other Kickstarter project announced by ex-BioShock devs, The Black Glove, is struggling to meet its much loftier $550K goal with its coffers currently at $89,019.

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