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The Flame in the Flood, Human: Fall Flat headed to Nintendo Switch

Dam fine.

Indie publisher Curve Digital has added another two titles to Nintendo's Switch game line-up: The Flame in the Flood and Human: Fall Flat.

Of the two, The Flame in the Flood would be my pick for your pounds. It's a procedurally-generated adventure downriver on a rickety raft with just a loyal dog for company and whatever you can loot and craft to ensure your survival.

"If you can handle the wild river - and the odd bug - there's plenty to love in this heartfelt survival game," Chris Donlan wrote in our The Flame in the Flood review.

That's not to say yo should skip Human: Fall Flat. Part Gang Beasts aesthetic, part CLOP controls, it's a 3D puzzler where you solve physics-based puzzles:

Watch on YouTube

There's no Switch release date yet for either game.

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