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Telltale "working with Sony Europe" on The Walking Dead Episode 2 PSN release

As angry Season Pass holders vent their fury.

Telltale has said it is working with Sony to bring The Walking Dead Episode 2 to the European PlayStation Store "ASAP" amid angry complaints on social networks.

The Walking Dead Episode 2 launches on Xbox Live Arcade today and on the PC and the US PlayStation Store on Friday. But regarding a EU PS Store release, all Telltale has said is that it will be out as soon as possible.

Angry fans have taken to Twitter - and to Telltale manager of public relations and social media Alan Johnson's Twitter page in particular - to vent their fury.

"ASAP rings about as good as 'soon' unfortunately," said disgruntled Alasdair Ellis. "Factor in the history of silence and it might as well be 'whenever'."

Telltale is yet to explain the delay, but Johnson has said he understands fans' frustration.

"Totally understand that! We are working closely with Sony EU to make it happen. Stay tuned!" he replied.

"Thanks for screwing over the EU audience as usual," Ellis continued. " I guess we'll take the two week odd delay on the chin as always #badservice"

Johnson's reply: "EU PSN Store is a bit different in terms of releases. It will be out ASAP there."

Those European PS3 owners who forked out for a Walking Dead Season Pass are particularly upset.

The first episode of The Walking Dead arrived on EU PSN on Wednesday 25th April for £3.99. You were also able to pre-purchase the entire five episode seasons for £15.99 to save money and get an exclusive premium theme.

"So us EU Season Pass buyers are getting f***ed over yeahhhhhh," wrote Stephen Johnston. "So regret buying the Season Pass now."

European PlayStation owners are no strangers to PSN game delays and discrepancies between US and EU content.

In February this year Sony blamed this on licensing and localisation work.

"Licensing, market and a host of other business and non-business decisions all play a part," Ashraf said.

"What is often forgotten is the EU consists of not just one or two countries - it includes a variety (36!), meaning a lot more localising must be done. Certain games also retain licenses only in certain territories or have expired rights.

"There's generally so many factors that can often lead to games being delayed or totally cancelled for specific regions, and sometimes this cannot be helped."

There are also issues around approval and quality assurance. SCEE operates independently of other Sony Computer Entertainment regions in this area, and can decline a game as it is approved elsewhere.

Ashraf said there is often a lot of secrecy around when a game is released on the EU PlayStation Store or if it's passed QA because "QA is highly confidential information and we are not permitted to communicate it".

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