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Team-based tactical shooter Insurgency: Sandstorm launches on PC this September

Two betas scheduled for pre-order players.

Insurgency: Sandstorm, the latest entry in developer New World Interactive's popular team-based tactical shooter series, will launch on PC on September 18th.

Ahead of release, New World is holding two beta events for those players that pre-order the game. The first scheduled beta is already underway - running until Monday, August 13th - and the second is currently due to begin around three weeks before launch. Pre-orders, incidentally, feature 10% off the usual £25.99/$29.99USD asking price, or 20% off if you own the previous Insurgency game.

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Three maps are available as part of Insurgency: Sandstorm's first beta - Hideout, Farmhouse, and Refinery - and all four modes from the final release are included too. That's Push, Firefight, and Capture the Base modes for Versus play, and the co-operative Checkpoint mode. An additional three maps will feature in the second beta.

"Beta 1 is very much a development build of the game and an on-going work in progress, the developer explained in a new blog post, "We use betas as an important tool for gathering player feedback, studying system performance, and balancing the game rather than a marketing stunt. As such, it is important to stress that this is not a representation of the release version of Insurgency: Sandstorm".

Sandstorm, a sequel to New World Interactive's 2014 shooter Insurgency, was announced in 2016, and promised to expand on its predecessor's celebrated multiplayer core with a dedicated single-player story campaign. Earlier this year, however, work on story mode ceased so that the developer could better focus it attention on the series' multiplayer modes.

Unfortunately for those looking forward to playing the previously announced Xbox One or PS4 versions of the Insurgency: Sandstorm, New World announced in May that the console release had been delayed into the first half of 2019. "Our original goal was to release both console and Windows PC versions side by side in 2018," it said, "but we feel we need more time to polish the console experience."

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