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Super Mario Run coming out on Android in March

Good jog.

Super Mario Run will be released on Android in March, Nintendo has announced.

No price was announced. Remember, on the App Store, Super Mario Run costs £7.99. You can play a level or two for free but then you need to unlock the whole game for £7.99.

However, Apple is pushing UK App Store prices up because of bloody Brexit, so Super Mario Run should increase to £9.99. Will the same happen on Google Play?

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Super Mario Run is a watershed moment for Nintendo embracing mobile games, its flagship IP converted into a one-handed autorunner experience. And Nintendo nailed it. "Nintendo masters - and subverts - the smartphone autorunner on its first outing," we wrote in our Super Mario Run review. Bodes well for the future.

Coming up next is Fire Emblem Heroes, which launches first on Android, on 2nd February. The iOS release is at an unspecified later date.

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