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Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Nami Heart Events

How to woo the red haired Nami.

Nami is the introverted traveller staying at the Lei-Over Inn and the hardest bachelorette to marry in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

You’ll need to visit the dig site if you want to win Nami’s heart, because, unlike the other bachelorettes in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, she doesn’t like any old flower you pick from the soil. No, she prefers the less traditional kind of gift, so it’s a good idea to know Nami’s preferred gifts before trying to romance her.

To help you win Nami’s heart, we cover all of the Nami Heart Events in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life below, along with Nami’s schedule and diary location.

If you’d like to learn about the other romance options or how to get married, visit our marriage candidate guide for A Wonderful Life.

On this page:

Nami Heart Events in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

Below we go over when, where and what Heart Level you need to be at to witness Nami’s Heart Events in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. Some of the Heart Events also have additional criteria you need to meet to witness them.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to experience all of these Heart Events to marry Nami, but watching them will help you understand her story in Forgotten Valley. If you want to know how to simply marry Nami without them, check out our marriage guide.

Your starting Friendship and Heart Levels with Nami.

A number of these include dialogue options and, when they occur, we’ve suggested the dialogue options which will increase your Heart Level with Nami. It’s also important to note that we found the events often occur the day after we’ve reached the required Heart Level.

Introduction Heart Event

  • Heart Level - Doesn’t require any hearts
  • Time - Past 10am (we witnessed at 10:01am)
  • Weather - Any
  • How to unlock - Walk past the front of the Lei-Over Inn
  • Other criteria - Gary and Nina must be outside

It should be noted that we saw this scene after we had talked to Nami for the first time to ensure she was included in the Resident Info menu. You may find that witness this scene before talking to her for the first time.

You can watch this scene on your very first day on the farm as it acts as an introduction to Nami’s character. There are no dialogue choices during it, with the scene focusing instead on Nami’s habit of walking around the valley.

Two Heart Event

  • Heart Level - At least two Hearts
  • Time - 7am to 4pm
  • Weather - Sunny
  • How to unlock - Exit farmhouse
  • Other criteria - Must have seen the Introduction Heart Event

To witness this Heart Event, leave your farmhouse during the time it can be activated and you’ll find Nami exploring your farm.

When prompted, select the dialogue option - Okay! Enjoy the farm.

Four Heart Event

  • Heart Level - At least four Hearts
  • Time - 7pm
  • Weather - Any
  • How to unlock - Enter the Bluebird Café
  • Other criteria - Must have seen the Two Heart Event. Nami, Molly and Gavin need to be in the Café

You must make sure Nami, Molly and Gavin are all inside the café for this Heart Scene to activate. Keep an eye on Nami’s location and visit the café in the evening when she does. Luckily, we saw this scene the day after watching her Two Heart Event.

It also has a number of dialogue options and, to begin with, select 'Can I take this spot?'

Follow this up with 'Why’d you come to Forgotten Valley?' and then 'Oh, nice.'

Next choose 'I try not to think about that!' as, in our experience, this is the answer Nami will look upon more favourably.

There is one final dialogue option, but, since Nami isn’t here anymore, it won’t affect her Heart Level. It can, however, affect your wallet as, if you choose ‘I’ll cover it’, you’ll pay for Nami’s bill at the café.

Six Heart Event

  • Heart Level - At least six Hearts
  • Time - 8am to 10am
  • Weather - Sunny
  • How to unlock - Be inside your farmhouse
  • Other criteria - Must have seen the Four Heart Event

We unlocked this Heart Event simply by standing inside the farmhouse when 8am rolled around on a sunny day. It had also only stopped raining an hour ago, so, if you’re having trouble activating this scene, just waste some time inside after waking up in the morning.

This event sees Tei and Lou visiting your house in search of Nami and, if you want to witness the whole scene, you need to select one dialogue option. The correct option is - I’ll look for her too.

If you don’t select this option, then you won’t be able to progress with the rest of the scene. Time will progress three hours after this scene ends.

Eight Heart Event

  • Heart Level - At least eight Hearts
  • Time - Shortly after 6am
  • Weather - Any
  • How to unlock - Walk into the Lei-Over Inn
  • Other criteria - Must have seen the Six Heart Event and both Nami and Tei must be inside the Lei-Over Inn

We managed to unlock this Heart Event by heading straight to the Lei-Over Inn upon waking up the day after we reached eight Hearts with Nami. We recommend trying this method as it can be quite hard to get both Nami and Tei in the inn at the same time.

During this Heart Event, you’ll watch a conversation between Nami and Tei. There is one dialogue option right at the end of the scene and you need to select, 'Of course! No problem!'

Nine Heart Event

  • Heart Level - At least nine Hearts
  • Time - 4pm to 8pm
  • Weather - Sunny during Winter
  • How to unlock - Walk into the Lei-Over Inn
  • Other criteria - Must have seen the Eight Heart Event and both Nami and Tei must be inside the Lei-Over Inn

This is the last Heart Event you’ll have with Nami outside of proposing to her and it can be very hard to witness as it can only occur in Winter. We also ended up staying up until 12:50am to see it.

We also had Nami in the pink part of the Friendship Level metre, so, if you’re meeting the requirements above and the event still isn’t occurring, continue befriending Nami!

This is the Friendship and Heart Level we had with Nami to see this event.

Upon entering the inn, you’ll be met by Tei and, while you have two dialogue options, we recommend choosing 'I’m came to see Nami.'

You will then get a second dialogue option towards the end of the scene and here you should choose 'Stay at my place, Nami.'

It’s important to note that, if you witness this scene, the game will consider you engaged to Nami. You can still give her the Blue Feather and, if you don’t, you will have the alternative proposal at the end of chapter one, but you won’t be able to witness any Heart Events with other marriage candidates from this point onwards.

Proposal Event

If you want to propose to Nami using the Blue Feather, then she needs to have at least eight hearts. Once you’ve reached this Heart Level, offer her the Blue Feather and then confirm that you wish to marry her.

If you’d like to learn how to get the Blue Feather, visit our marriage candidate guide for Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

Nami can also be an option for the alternative proposal which occurs at the end of Chapter One if you haven’t given anyone the Blue Feather. She does need to have at least five hearts to appear as an option in this scene, so, if you want to take this route, we recommend still putting in the time to raise her Heart Level.

Nami's gifts in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

If you want to marry Nami in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, then you need to win her heart by giving her gifts and by talking to her every day.

Below you’ll find some of her preferred gifts which will help raise both her Heart and Friendship Level:

  • Clay Figurine and Leaf Fossil from the dig site
  • Trick Blue Flowers - only grow in Autumn
  • Homemade meals. Easy to make options include:
    • Milky Soup - requires one milk
    • Herbal Soup - requires one Aromatic Herb
Nami likes artefacts from the dig site and homemade meals.

It should be noted that we’ve only listed the dig site artefacts that Nami likes in Year One as, if you want to marry her, these will be the only ones available. As the game progresses and the dig site grows bigger, more artefacts will become available.

Remember - you can give Nami more than one gift per day, but they can’t be the same type of gift. So if you’ve already given her a Clay Figurine, for example, you can’t give her a Leaf Fossil on that day since the game views them as the same type of gift.

You can also raise both your Friendship Level and Heart Level by watching the fireworks with Nami on Day 2 of Summer between 6pm to 11pm as long as it's not raining. Just make sure you compliment Charlie and Cole’s work rather than her!

Nami’s schedule in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

Nami has one of the less strict schedules out of all of the characters in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. She often changes where she visits and at what time day-to-day, with the weather, day number and season also sometimes taking an effect on what she does.

She typically wakes up between 9am to 9:30am in her room in the Lei-Over Inn before going out to explore the valley. She then usually goes to bed at 2:30am.

Since the order in which she visits locations does frequently change, we’ve listed out the ones she tends to visit every day below:

  • Garden behind the inn
  • Trees behind the inn
  • Forest path
  • Forest pond
  • Swamp
  • Beach
  • Bluebird Café
  • Crop plot between café and inn

Keep in mind that she does not visit every location listed above every day and you can easily track her down using the in-game map.

Nami’s diary location in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

While the Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life remake allows you to easily track all of your Friendship Levels from the Resident Info menu, you may prefer to take the old fashioned route and snoop in Nami’s diary to discover how much she likes you.

Reaching Nami’s diary, however, is a little difficult as it's hidden in her room in the Lei-Over Inn, which you can only enter when she’s inside. For an idea of when she’s at home, check out our section on Nami’s schedule.

Once you’re inside her room, investigate the table with the radio on it to find her diary. Just make sure you’re standing in front of the part of the table with the notebook and not the radio!

Nami’s child in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life explained

You will have a child with Nami after the first chapter of Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life ends. This child - girl or boy - will be similar to Nami both in terms of their appearance and personality.

Nami's daughter.

When it comes to their interests, Nami’s child will automatically prefer the following subjects:

  • Art
  • Academics
  • Farming

You can, of course, influence these interests if you’d like your child to take on a different career.

Good luck romancing Nami in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life!

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