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Star Wars: Battlefront 2 community creates touching tribute for devs

No one's ever really gone.

It's no secret that EA DICE's Star Wars: Battlefront 2 had something of a rocky start. After the game faced an enormous backlash for its microtransactions system, it was at the forefront of loot box discussions in 2017 - with EA later admitting it "got it wrong" over the controversial microtransactions.

Yet despite all this, the team at DICE continued to plug away at Battlefront 2 with regular updates long after launch, somehow managing to turn around community sentiment in the process. And now that DICE has announced it's shifting focus to the next Battlefield title, several members of the community have made a lovely tribute video for the devs.

On the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 cinematography channel Cinematic Captures, multiple prominent members of the Battlefront community came together to say thank you for all of DICE's hard work, and it's quite a touching video. Community members emphasised the work done by DICE to improve the game from launch, and took the opportunity to express their gratitude.

"The turnaround from launch to where you got the game in the end... the fact it's a poster [child] for turnaround games... is a pretty amazing feat", said YouTuber SammyBoiii.

"Everyone at DICE, I just want to thank you so much for putting together such an amazing, beautiful Star Wars experience that was Battlefront 2", fellow YouTuber Cubsfan Han added.

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In an age where devs often receive online harassment for their work, it's lovely to see the reverse of this in fans and content creators expressing their gratitude for DICE's efforts. As the video points out, a redemption arc is all too fitting for a Star Wars game - and this seems like a fitting way to close this particular chapter of the Star Wars video game saga. I guess Battlefront 2 ended up on the light side in the end.

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