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Sale, DLC for Super Meat Boy XBLA

Team Meat has "patched things up" with Microsoft.

New levels and a price cut are on their way to the Xbox Live Arcade version of indie platformer Super Meat Boy, developer Team Meat has announced.

As detailed on the studio's official blog, it's all to celebrate the game's one year anniversary.

Details of how much the saving will be and when it will kick are still being ironed out.

A complimentary batch of new levels for the game's the Internets hub are also incoming.

Team Meat famously had a falling out with Microsoft earlier this year, claiming the platform holder hadn't done enough to support the game.

Happily, it seems like everyone is pally again, with co-founder Edmund McMillen revealing the two parties have "patched things up".

"It's a new year and we are putting the past behind us and all agreeing to do what is best for SMB and the fans," he wrote.

Not give the game a whirl yet? Eurogamer's 9/10 Super Meat Boy review should detail exactly why you should take advantage of the impending price cut.

While it's clearly still supporting SMB, that's not all Team Meat has on its plate right now. Development recently kicked off on its second game, while McMillen recently released eccentric PC effort The Binding of Isaac under his own steam.

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