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Resident Evil 7's demo isn't part of the full game

Stars a different lead character.

The Resident Evil 7 demo currently available on PS4 for PlayStation Plus subscribers isn't actually part of the full game.

Capcom confirmed this to Eurogamer earlier today, where it was also confirmed that the full game will star a different lead character than the man in the demo.

The studio noted that Resident Evil 7 has been in development since 2014.

We took a look at Resident Evil 7's demo earlier today and I found it an unclear representation of how the full game would be, but more diligent explorers than I discovered an axe - complete with an attack button and all - suggesting that there will be combat in the full experience.

Resident Evil 7 will launch on 24th January for PS4, Xbox One and PC with support for PlayStation VR.

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If you want to read about the teaser's many secrets, check out our Resident Evil 7 demo endings guide.

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