Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon new Pokémon - all new Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokédex additions and new forms listed
Every new Pokémon and form for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, in one place.
New Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokémon are dotted throughout the game, with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokédex additions available right from the very first few routes of the game.
Here on this page we'll list all of the newly added Pokémon for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - meaning the brand new Pokémon that have never been seen before, the new forms for already-available Pokémon, and all Pokémon that have been added to the Alolan Pokédex that could previously only be obtained through transfer from another generation.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokédex additions
There are just over a hundred additions to the Alolan Pokédex for Ultra Sun and Moon compared to regular Sun and Moon. That total includes a couple of properly new, never-before-seen Pokémon - most of which are story-related, so spoiler warning there - a new Mythical Pokémon akin to Magearna or Marshadow of regular Sun and Moon, and then almost a hundred Pokémon from previous generations.
Below, you'll find the full list of Pokémon from other generations, and then in the section below that, a list of the quite spoilery new Pokémon and forms!
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokédex additions from other generations:
For more on Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon, head to our main Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon walkthrough and guide hub, which includes guides to new Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokémon and Pokédex changes, the Festival Plaza, a list of Global Missions and rewards, an explainer on Pokémon Bank, a dedicated page on Pokémon Competitive Training, including IV Training, EVs and hidden stats, Breeding 6IV Pokémon explained and how to farm Bottle Caps fast for Hyper Training. What's more, we have pages on the Rockruff event for getting Dusk Form Lycanroc and, last but not least, a full Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon QR codes list for adding all Pokémon to your Pokédex.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon new Pokémon and new forms

In addition to that lengthy list of Pokémon from previous generations that have been added above, there are also a smattering of all-new Pokémon and a couple of new forms for those that already exist.
A final warning that there are some quite major story spoilers below.
New Pokémon in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon:
There are five new Pokémon in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Four of those are Ultra Beasts (in fact one of those is an evolution of an Ultra Beast), and the fifth is the new Mythical-class Pokémon that'll only be available via event distribution.
Let's dive in (note that there are no official images for Naganadel and Zeraora for the time being):

Pokémon | Type | Location |
Poipole | Poison | Gift from Ultra Recon Squad in Ultra Megalopolis |
Naganadel | Poison / Dragon | Evolve Poipole |
Stakataka | Rock / Steel | Poni Grove (Ultra Moon only) |
Blacephalon | Fire / Ghost | Poni Grove (Ultra Sun only) |
Zeraora | Electric | Event Only |
New forms in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon:
Finally, there are four new forms of Pokémon in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Here's what they are and how to get them:

New Form | Original Pokémon | How to get it |
Dusk Form Lycanroc | Lycanroc | Evolve special event Rockruff between 5pm and 5:59pm |
Dusk Mane Necrozma | Necrozma / Solgalio | Fuse Necrozma and Solgalio with N-Solarizer |
Dawn Wings Necrozma | Necrozma / Lunala | Fuse Necrozma and Lunala with N-Lunarizer. |
Ultra Necrozma | Necrozma | Have Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings Necrozma hold Ultra-Necrozium Z and use Ultra Burst in battle. |