PlayStation App will be free, triggers remote downloads
The PlayStation App will be free on iOS and Android devices (no word on a Windows 8 version), Sony has said, and will allow you to buy games and start them immediately downloading on your always-on PS4 at home.

Do this in secret and you may even convince those people you share a house with that your new console is alive.
Sony's chirpy Worldwide Studios Boss Shuhei Yoshida revealed these tidbits during an interview for the European PlayStation blog.
He also mentioned that PlayStation App will let you, from your PlayStation profile, send messages - voice or text - to people playing PS4. Invitations to multiplayer games can be sent too.
Blog boss Fred Dutton - you might remember the name - also confirmed that you won't need PlayStation Plus to use App's features.
PlayStation App was unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show. Beyond displaying stats, videos, Facebook-like activity feeds, and the functions mentioned above, PS App will in some cases provide second-screen gaming. Knack and Watch_Dogs and a handful of other games are already signed up.