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PSP puzzles Capcom

Puzzle compilation on the way.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Good news for owners of that most brilliant and widely supported of handhelds [I thought this was an item about a PSP game? - Ed], because along with Power Stone Capcom's doing a PSP collection of puzzle games during Q2 2006.

In the US at least - apparently it's very much a "TBC" for little old us for the time being.

Capcom Puzzle World it's called, and it'll feature Super Puzzle Fighter II, Block Block, and Buster Bros. Collection - itself a compilation, originally for PlayStation 1, of Buster Bros., Super Buster Bros., and Buster Buddies.

All three games will be optimised for the PSP's screen, obviously, with ad hoc wireless multiplayer and some sort of snapshot mode to take pictures of what you're doing, which sounds like an enormously important feature.

According to reports from Capcom's US Gamers Day, the version of Super Puzzle Fighter II will also include elements from Japanese-only releases, like chain-reactions and bricks going up the screen instead of down. Hopefully, unlike the GBA one, I'll be able to tell the difference between some of the similar colours, too!

That's not all from Capcom on the PSP this year either. Breath of Fire 3 is out now, while Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is out on the 24th, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max is on March 10th, and there's more Mega Man, Monster Hunter, Viewtiful Joe and even Ghosts 'n Goblins to come later in 2006.

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