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Play Galaxies or get a refund

Trial version, refund offer.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony Online Entertainment seems a bit hot and cold about Star Wars Galaxies these days. Red and blue you might say. DARK and LIGHT. HAHAHA. On the one hand, SOE and LucasArts are now offering gamers the chance to download a ten-day trial version of the Star Wars-themed MMORPG to get a feel for it. On the other, they're offering refunds to people who've bought new expansion Trials of Obi-Wan.

The 10-day trial version allows players to tuck in to the meaty mixture of the full original game and the first expansion pack, Warp to Lightspeed. The enormous downloadable installer is available from various sites including 3d Gamers.

Details of the refund offer, meanwhile, can be found on the likes of GameSpot. We're not sure if the offer's limited to American gamers - our emails to the email address supplied went unanswered, helpfully - but anybody who does want a refund will have to request it prior to December 1st, 2005. It's all to do with some controversial changes made by Trials of Obi-Wan - reviewed elsewhere on the site - which upset a few long-term fans' virtual apple carts.

For more details on all this Galaxies, have a look around the game's official website.

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