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Shatner helps build Trek Legacy

He's lending his voice.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

William Shatner is set to voice Captain Kirk in Star Trek: Legacy, and the veteran actor says he signed on because he couldn't accept anybody else playing Kirk.

"I couldn't imagine someone else playing Captain Kirk, even in a videogame," he told Reuters, "so I kind of got a little territorial".

"If it's a good game, keeping true to the characters the best they can and having an interesting story that branches, I think a game can bring a freshness to a franchise like Star Trek," he added.

Shatner's also hoping to play a bit of the PC and Xbox 360 title himself. He's not much of a gamer, but Reuters reports he has a grandson keen to teach him. Aww.

Legacy, which Mad Doc Software is developing under the tutelage of Bethesda Softworks, is due out later this year. Bethesda recently revealed that veteran Star Trek writer DC Fontana had collaborated on the scripts.

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