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New THQ boss reinforces commitment to Darksiders franchise

Jason Rubin clarifies interview misquote.

Incoming THQ president Jason Rubin has reinforced the publisher's commitment to the Darksiders franchise following erroneous reports earlier this week that he had little enthusiasm for the series.

Writing in a post on the game's official site, Rubin explained that a quote from a recent interview with The Verge had been "reported out of context by a number of news outlets."

"The quote implied that I am not enthusiastically behind the Darksiders universe, and that THQ has made decisions not to continue the Darksiders franchise. This is simply untrue," he wrote.

"My quote 'I can get the team to make other interesting games' was intended in the context of having different teams within this incredibly talented studio work on new original IP, as well as continuing to support the Darksiders franchise.

"I enjoyed the original game when it came out, and one of my first tweets as president of THQ was 'Best part of my new job at THQ? When the Darksiders 2 playable suddenly drops on my desk... @thq".

"Since that tweet I have been playing a lot of Darksiders 2 and it is far better than the first. I'm incredibly excited about Vigil and the Darksiders franchise. Keep your eyes peeled on Monday for an awesome new trailer that brings the world to life in a way you haven't seen before!"

Rubin, founder of Uncharted and Crash Bandicoot studio Naughty Dog, took over at THQ last month.

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