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New Super Meat Boy levels incoming

Free DLC patches bugs too.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The first batch of new levels will soon be ready for Super Meat Boy, developer Team Meat has revealed.

A post on Team Meat's Twitter feed read, "The title update for the XBLA version is being finished this week and hopefully will be up soon.

"The XBLA title update will fix all known bugs and also release with 20 new levels for the internets and a new music track," added a further post.

Team Meat has also been tweeting about the impending Steam version of its awesome platformer. There'll be a level editor and five additional playable cameo characters. One of them will be Mr Minecraft, but one of them won't be Quote from Cave Story. Apparently Team Meat's request was turned down.

No exact word on when that will be ready, but one thing's for sure, it'll be with you well before the WiiWare version sees the light of day.

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