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New Borderlands art style shown

First screenshot backs bold claims.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Gearbox Software has shown the very first image of the redesigned Borderlands.

The image - a PC Gamer-watermarked screenshot on the official Borderlands website - depicts male and female characters looking over the corpse of an animal, guns in hand. They're stylised and cartoon-like - very close to the "Concept Art Style" term that Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford coined earlier this week.

The result is very impressive, even blown up to full resolution. It's also full of personality, even if it is quite close to the cel-shading we've seen in Prince of Persia and Crackdown before. The new look is miles away from the original Borderlands.

Borderlands is a shooter/RPG hybrid due out this year on PS3, 360 and PC. Among its boasts are a randomly generated world resulting in endless quests, items, areas and monsters. "Mad Max meets Diablo" is the soundbite.

Head over to our Borderlands gamepage to find out what we know so far.

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