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Metro: Last Light "one of, if not the best looking game you can actually buy"

4A's atmospheric FPS has found a new home at Deep Silver, and it's as pretty as ever.

4A's forthcoming FPS sequel Metro: Last Light will continue the technical excellence displayed by its predecessor, and its producer believes it'll be one of the best looking games available when it releases later this year.

Potentially a casualty of the THQ closure in February, Metro: Last Light was picked up by Deep Silver in the subsequent auction, and its release date was pushed back from March to 17th May.

"It's been an interesting few months watching the THQ situation unfold, and the uncertainty surrounding that," producer Huw Beynon told Eurogamer. "I'm kind of delighted with the instant enthusiasm and commitment shown by Deep Silver. It's been disruptive for the studio - there's a lot of paperwork, figuring out how their QA works. There's some learning to be done there, but we've got a bit more time to figure that stuff out."

The transition from THQ to Deep Silver hasn't affected Metro: Last Light, and it remains a thoughtful, atmospheric FPS that explores a convincing post-apocalyptic world. There have been mechanical improvements that help make stealth sections more convincing, and that make the gunplay more satisfying - as well as making it more technically impressive, especially when played on PC.

"It looks fantastic on 360 as well, but [on PC] you have a different potential that you can hit," said Beynon, before revealing there are currently no plans for a next-generation version. "If someone asks me are we doing a next-gen version - well, yes we are. It's the PC. We're one of the few studios out there that have a proven piece of tech that's built for high-end PCs. I firmly believe that the PC version of Metro: Last Light is one of, if not the best looking game you can actually buy, period, at the moment. We're still proud of how we've managed to adapt that for the current generation of consoles."

Will a PS4 version come at some point further down the line? "It would be a business decision at the end of the day," said Beynon. "It'll depend a lot on what the studio wants to do next. I don't doubt it's something we could do, but it's not something that's actively happening at the moment."

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