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MadWorld spoils "family fun image" of Wii

UK pressure group gets hot and bothered.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

SEGA Wii game MadWorld will "spoil the family fun image" of the console, according to Mediawatch-UK, a British organisation that campaigns for decency in television, games and films.

"I hope the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) will view this with concern and decide it should not be granted a classification," John Beyer, director of Mediawatch-UK, told the Mail Online.

"What the rest of world does is up to them. We need to ensure that modern and civilised values take priority rather than killing and maiming people.

"It seems a shame that the game's manufacturer have decided to exclusively release this game on the Wii," said Beyer. "I believe it will spoil the family fun image of the Wii."

MadWorld is a gory and stylised action game painted in black and white, which is based on a game-show concept where you kill people with chainsaws (like The Running Man) or throw human darts; "more Itchy and Scratchy than Bundy and Gacy," said Ellie in her preview.

We expect MadWorld will carry an 18 rating when the BBFC does its job, and hope the game provides much needed variety to the floods of casual mini-game-games on the console.

"Mad World will be suitably age-rated through the appropriate legal channels and thus only available to an audience above the age rating it is given," Nintendo pointed out.

MadWorld is due exclusively on Wii early in 2009.

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