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Looks like Final Fantasy 12 HD Remaster is real

UPDATE: Composer issues statement, fails to rule out remaster.

UPDATE: The composer who let slip Square Enix is working on a Final Fantasy 12 "remake" has issued a statement saying the term was used "in error".

Over the weekend Arnie Roth set tongues wagging when he said the words "Final Fantasy 12" and "remake" with the same breath during the Distant Worlds: Final Fantasy concert. We took that to mean Square Enix is making a HD Remaster, as it has done with Final Fantasy 10 / 10-2 - not a full-blown remake.

Here's the statement, just published to the Distant Worlds Facebook page:

Of course, Roth's statement fails to pour cold water on the suggestion Square Enix is making a HD Remaster of Final Fantasy 12. We'll have to wait and see!

ORIGINAL STORY: Final Fantasy 12 looks set for the high definition remaster treatment.

Vaan and co could be on their way back.

That's according to conductor Arnie Roth, who breathed word of a Final Fantasy 12 "remake" at an event in the US held over the weekend. Whoops!

Arnie Roth, the conductor for a Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert held in Pittsburgh, mentioned the word "remake" at the event (check out the slip in the video, below). We suspect Square Enix isn't giving Final Fantasy 12 the full-on remake treatment it's giving to Final Fantasy 7, rather a HD Remaster lick of paint, as it did with Final Fantasy 10 and Final Fantasy 10-2.

Rob Fahey reviewed Final Fantasy 12 for Eurogamer all those years ago, awarding it a 10.

"It's not hard to see us looking back in five years time and seeing FFXII as a pivotal, changing moment in how RPGs are designed; a game which drew on the experience of Final Fantasy's branches into tactical strategy and massively multiplayer, as well as on the more mature storytelling of other mediums, and folded it back into the number series, to wonderful result," he wrote.

"Fans will, of course, debate the merits of Final Fantasy XII for a long time - but our own experience with this game fully justifies giving it the highest accolade we can award."

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