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ISP porn filters interfering League of Legends patching?

Riot says no reported incidents but monitoring anyway.

Riot Games has told Eurogamer there have been no reported incidents of the anti-sex law interfering with League of Legends.

The anti-sex law means UK internet service providers will, by default, filter out internet content associated with pornography for new customers. And blocking anything mentioning "sex" has seemed to be the first port of call.

Members of the the League of Legends subreddit soon noticed some adverse effects, as update files "VarusExpirationTimer.luaobj" and "XerathMageChainsExtended.luaobj" were blocked.

Riot told Eurogamer that even though there had been no reported incidents, this issue has been raised as a potential problem and will be monitored.

"Our feedback to players is to double check with internet service providers and if anyone experiences a problem, get in touch and we will be able to help," a Riot spokesperson said.

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