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Here's Star Wars Battlefront in 4K with SweetFX mega-graphics on

Sorry about the mess.

Sometimes it's nice to just stare - to sit and gawp and stare. That's what Fridays are for isn't it? And there are few prettier games to ogle than Star Wars Battlefront, particularly when it's modded to have even more graphics.

Sit back, then, and enjoy Star Wars Battlefront running the SweetFX real-life mod in 4K (or lower resolutions because top-whack may melt your computer). The mod adds a collection of post-processing shader effects such as SMAA anti-aliasing, sharpening and colour-tweak options. It's designed to let you change the look of a game to your liking. Apparently it's fairly simple to install and you can download it from the SweetFX site. Obviously this is a PC thing.

Note, however, that SweetFX is not the Toddyhancer mod we posted about recently, which makes the game's environments - at least in stills - look almost indistinguishable from real-life.

Almost makes you want a new Star Wars film! Oh, wait, what's that?

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